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This Year!

The third grade year is SUPER exciting for kids. This is the year that they begin to "switch classes"! Everyday we will meet for homeroom and then begin our day. Some students may switch classes at this time. I will be teaching Social Studies and Language Arts. Anything dealing with those two classes and for my homeroom will be found here. It is also important to remind your children to be on their best behavior. Many behavioral problems show their faces when children begin switching classes. The freedom that switching classes gives them allows students room for "mistakes".

Using This Blog For You

In addition to the school's website this blog is available to parents and students in my classes. Please feel free to use this blog to make comments and give suggestions. The homework will be posted here for all of my classes as well as pictures of student work. I may not make a posting everyday, but will update this site in addition to my school website as often as needed.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Red Rover Elementary. I hope you all enjoyed the summer with your family and friends. I know I sure did! The third grade is a big year for children across the big state of Texas! The TAKS test is given this year which makes a lot of work for all of us! My goal is to make this year as fun for your children as possible while learning all they need to pass the TAKS. I look forward to meeting your young ones and having an exciting year.